Social penetration theory by irwin altman
Social Penetration Theory by Irwin Altman and Dalmas Taylor | Fadlun Maros -
16.4 Social Penetration Theory
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The social penetration theory (SPT) proposes that, as relationships develop, interpersonal communication moves from relatively shallow, non-intimate levels to deeper, more intimate ones.
The theory was formulated by psychologists Irwin Altman and Dalmas Taylor.
Description:It is a stage of close friendships and intimate partners. Therefore, a Japanese person may not self-disclose nearly as much or as enthusiastically as, say, a French person. Men tend to disclose their strengths. Bloggers seem to express their personal interests and experiences in a wide range of topics online to document their lives or to maintain their online social networks. Communicators withdraw from self-disclosure, thus ending the relationship.
Views: 1497
Date: 2018-05-26
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